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Wilder (The Renegades) Page 17

  strong indeed. what is even more miraculous is that she wasn’t killed during the initial crash, as the driver was.

  “eleanor told us that brian died instantly. she said he went quickly and without pain, and that’s all we could ask for our sweet boy,” claudia newcomb, the deceased driver’s mother, told us. “we know he would have done anything to keep her safe, and we’re so thankful that she made it out.”

  ms. baxter has declined to comment.

  My chest tightened, my vision swimming, until I remembered to suck in a breath. I’d held it the entire time I’d read the article. I closed out all the windows on the laptop and slammed the lid shut, wishing I didn’t know. Wishing I hadn’t invaded her privacy.

  Wishing she’d told me herself.

  My fingers raked down my face, and I rocked forward, bracing my elbows on my knees.

  I’d made her zip-line.

  I’d made her parasail.

  She’d hung over a hundred feet in the air for twenty-four hours, and I’d made her strap up and face her devil while I laughingly told her it would be okay.

  I was a fucking, flaming asshole.

  We both had rough freshman years. That’s what she’d told me about her and Rachel. She’d been recovering. God, how bad had it been? I thought back to Bermuda, the way she’d gripped the railing going into the caves. Hell, even boarding the ship, she kept both hands on the banister and barely spoke until we were off the ramp.

  No wonder she’d passed out when she fell down the ramp.

  And the guy she was with…Newcomb…the way his mom had spoken, they had to have been dating, right? Had she loved him? Did she still love him?

  Was I competing with a ghost?

  I closed my eyes, but I couldn’t get the crumpled car out of my mind, the pile of mangled metal still smoking like a tiny piece of hell.

  I don’t do heights. That’s what she’d said at the zip-line…and I’d forced her hand.

  The fight in the market started to make sense—when she told me that she was more acquainted with the concept of death than I ever would be.

  How much more could I have possibly fucked up with her?

  Just don’t let me fall.

  Her words crashed through me, shredding every last defense I’d had against her. She trusted me. Despite whatever nightmare she’d lived through, she’d put her hand in mine and trusted me with her life. That instant connection I’d felt with her, first on the balcony and then when I found her in my suite—it hadn’t been one-sided. She’d felt it, too, enough to trust me less than an hour later.

  I was the luckiest and the stupidest bastard on the planet.

  “Pax? You ready?” Leah asked, startling me.

  I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed she’d turned off the shower, let alone had time to get dressed. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom, wearing a tank top and pajama pants, her hair still wet and hanging to frame her breasts.

  I stood and walked over to her, cradling her face between my hands. “You look beautiful.”

  She snorted. “Whatever makeup I had with me went down the shower drain.”

  Her eyes were still wide, the color like the tiger’s-eye bracelet my mother loved, her skin flushed and soft. “You’re all the more beautiful for it.” I meant it. She wasn’t a high-maintenance girl who took an hour to get ready to go to the store.

  I kissed her gently, sipping at her lips. “Look, about the marketplace…”

  She shook her head slightly, sliding her eyes shut. “Don’t. We both said things. Maybe they were things that needed to be said, but we probably could have been a little nicer about it.”

  “Just a little,” I agreed. “I’m going to hop in the shower.”

  She nodded, and I stole one more kiss before leaving her.

  I washed quickly, steadying my nerves and doing my best to fortify my self-control to spend the night next to Leah and not make a move.

  By the time I got to the bed, she was curled on her side, facing away from me. “I sleep in boxers; I hope you don’t mind,” I told her.

  When she didn’t respond, I watched the even rise of her rib cage, realizing she’d fallen asleep. Well, that made tonight a shit-ton easier.

  I slid between the sheets and faced her, but kept my hands to myself. The king-size monstrosity we slept in left me plenty of room. The moonlight played off her skin, and she looked so damn touchable.

  Problem was, I didn’t only want to touch her. Scratch that, I spent more than a decent amount of time fantasizing about her under me, her soft thighs wrapped around my hips, back arching, lips screaming my name as I stroked us both to phenomenal orgasms. Hell, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to look at her without that being on my brain somewhere.

  But I wanted to touch her mind, too, to know what made her strong enough to put the harness on. To know what had kept her holding on to that canyon wall long after the car had fallen. And that wasn’t even the scary part.

  I wanted to touch her heart, to claim a piece for my own, and that was something I’d never wanted from another woman. I’d never wanted to stake a real claim or to feel something more than affectionate responsibility. But Leah? I wanted to strip away her defenses like she’d obliterated mine. It wasn’t enough to take the piece, to own it by force. No, I wanted it freely given, wanted her to look at me, see me, and then deem me worthy.

  Considering I hadn’t asked for anyone’s validation in the last decade, that was fucking terrifying.

  She was more complicated than any woman I’d ever been with, or around, for that matter. But if I could win five gold medals at the X Games, I could sure as hell set my mind to winning Leah.

  You commit, or you quit, but half-assed gets you hurt. My father’s words slammed through my brain.

  When I headed for a stunt, there was a moment where I pushed the throttle, committed to the ramp, threw my body into the flip, and that’s exactly what this felt like as I stared at the curl that stretched across her pillow toward me.

  I had to treat our relationship like I did everything else: with full dedication and concentration. As of this moment, I was committed, and I’d never failed at something I worked for.

  Eleanor Baxter wouldn’t know what hit her.

  Chapter Fifteen



  “You’re going too fast!” I screamed. Why did I even bother? He never listened to me.

  “Loosen up, Leah,” Brian said, shooting me a side-eye as we approached the curve. “I want to see how the new tires hold.”

  “Stop! I know how this ends. Please don’t!”

  But he didn’t slow.

  I closed my eyes against the sound of the tires on the pavement, and my body detached from the motion of the car, but my mind knew it all vividly.

  We destroyed the guardrail and plummeted.

  The scream I heard was my own but not.

  I blessedly missed the fall, even the impact when we hit the first tree. As I opened my eyes, my stomach dropped.

  Yes, here—this was where the nightmare always started.

  I turned my head and saw Brian, his head slumped forward, blood pouring from his abdomen where part of the tree that braced us skewered him. I knew what I had to do—what I always had to do when I found myself here, what took me eighteen hours to find the courage to do the first time.

  I didn’t need to try my door handle to know that it was jammed, or turn in my seat to know I couldn’t make it up to the rear window without upsetting the balance of the car.

  Maybe if I’d realized that it wouldn’t work, that I’d have to crawl over Brian’s body, I would have spared my legs.

  Brian turned toward me, his head at a macabre angle, blood dripping from his dead, opaque eyes and ruined mouth, and I screamed, raw and painfully.

  “You know what you have to do,” he rasped.

  And I did. The nightmare never ended until I actually did it.

  “Leah!” he yelled…but it soun
ded all wrong.

  “Leah, baby, it’s okay.” His voice broke through the nightmare. Paxton. “Wake up, Firecracker.”

  I sucked in a lungful of air, lurching forward and farther into Paxton’s arms. They wrapped around me, strong and secure, while I buried my face in his neck, breathing in his scent, feeling his heartbeat with my hand against his naked chest.

  “It’s okay,” he repeated, stroking one hand down my hair while the other cupped the base of my neck.

  “Nightmare,” I mumbled into his neck, trying to calm my breathing to match his.

  “I figured,” he answered, his chin resting on the top of my head. He’d wrapped one of his legs over my hips, cocooning me in safety and warmth, like he’d known exactly what I needed.

  “Want to talk about it?” he offered.

  I shook my head. There was no need to let him witness the freak show of my past. “I have them sometimes,” I admitted, wanting to give him something. “Especially when I’m stressed out.”

  “Okay,” he said, still stroking my hair, my back, in wide, soothing motions. “Just know that if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here.”

  I nodded, but there was zero chance in hell I was going there. Paxton flung himself off ramps, snowboarded down avalanche-prone mountains, skydived for fun. He was reckless, fearless, and not only knew the limits of his body but pushed it there every single day. There was no way he’d understand the fear that paralyzed me that night—or the next day—the moments that I’d nearly chosen to give in to gravity and simply let go.

  My heart pounded like I was still in that ravine, scared to move in case I fell farther. I breathed deep, taking in the scent of Paxton’s warm skin to erase the metallic memory of blood.

  Then I pressed a kiss to his neck.

  He inhaled sharply. “Leah.”

  “Paxton,” I answered, pressing another openmouthed kiss to his neck.

  His fingers tightened in my hair, but he didn’t pull me away. I moved up, tasting under his jaw and savoring the low groan that came from his chest but radiated through my thighs.

  My fingers slipped down the outside line of his abs until I reached the waistband of his boxers, where I ran them along the inside of the band.

  “Leah,” he said again, capturing my hand. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

  “If you’re asking if I’m awake, the answer is yes. I’m not sleep-molesting you.” I kissed his ear.

  He pulled back to lock his lust-glazed eyes with mine. “That’s not what I’m asking.”

  “Yes,” I answered, my voice shakier than I intended. I wanted him, wanted to feel his mouth on my skin, his lips on mine. But how far did I want it to go? Was I prepared to let him see all of me? “No. I don’t know.”

  His forehead puckered. “I’m not the guy who takes a maybe as a yes.”

  God, why did he want an answer? Why did I have to make a choice? “I don’t want to think.” I didn’t want to remember, or sleep again to fall into that nightmare. I just wanted to feel. My eyes pleaded with his to understand.

  His softened. “Okay. Do you trust me?”

  “With my life,” I answered honestly. How could I not? We were alone in a foreign country, almost seven thousand miles from home, and I was in his bed.

  “Good.” With that word, he flipped me to my back, the movement so quick that I could only blink. His massive frame rose above me. “You’re the one in control. You say stop, I stop. Got it?” he asked, his voice steady and sure despite the slight tremor in his hand as he brushed my hair off my cheek.

  I nodded.

  “Good. Then as of this moment, the only thought I want in your head is how many different ways I can make you come.”

  If I’d had a response it would have been swallowed by his mouth, inhaled by his kiss. He took my mouth completely, his kiss deep, thorough, and delicious. Our tongues rubbed and danced, and I gave myself over to the perfection of finally being in his arms.

  I explored his back, the yards of smooth, warm skin that draped over his roped muscles. He felt exactly the way he looked—toned, strong, and sinful.

  Jolts of pure want rocketed through me as he set his mouth to my neck, working his way down to my collarbone as his hands shaped the curve of my waist. “You taste so damn good,” he said against my skin. “Like strawberries and summer rain.”

  He pulled down a strap of my tank top enough to free one of my breasts, and I arched, the tip already hard, wanting his mouth, his fingers—anything. “Perfect,” he said reverently, then swirled his tongue around my nipple.

  I cried out, my hands flying to his head to hold him to me.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked, lightly blowing over the skin.

  Chills raced up my arms. “Yes,” I answered shamelessly. If all I ever had was this one night with Paxton, then I wasn’t going to waste it being coy.

  “Good,” he replied, then took my nipple into his mouth completely. He licked and sucked, drawing every ounce of response from one breast before freeing the other to do the same.

  His mouth was magical, sending sensations through me I’d long since forgotten—the rush of desire, the restlessness I knew instinctively that he could quell. But this need building within me, this primal demand to feel him deep within me—that was on a level I’d never experienced.

  He tugged at the bottom of my tank top, and I lifted my arms as he pulled it off, leaving me bare to him. He studied me for a moment, his eyes dark with desire, and for the first time in the last couple of years, I felt beautiful, desirable, wanted—all because I felt like his.

  He brought his mouth back to mine, kissing me with a hunger that had me whimpering with each deep, skilled thrust of his tongue against mine. He never stilled against my breasts, rolling my nipples between his fingers, caressing me in ways that fueled the deep ache that grew stronger inside me.

  When I draped my leg over his hip, he settled between my thighs. His weight was exquisite, holding my body to the earth while he gave my soul the freedom to fly. As he rocked forward, I felt his erection hard between us, and instead of shrinking, I rocked back, reveling in the friction against my center.

  He thrust forward again, sending sparks through me as he hit my clit, the fabric between us only heightening the sensation. “Is that what you want, Leah?” he asked, his breath hot against my ear, his breathing bordering on ragged.

  I whimpered again, answering him with another push of my hips.

  He drew back, denying me the pressure I was desperate for. “It’s what I want. Except I want you naked, so I can feel all of your skin against me, taste the tiny beads of sweat I’ll work you into.”

  I tried to roll up again, but he brought his hands to my hips, pinning me to the bed. “Paxton,” I whined, trying to reach to kiss him, to get any part of him I could.

  “Tell me, I want to hear you say it.”

  “Why? You know I want you. Isn’t that enough?” I asked.

  His thumbs caressed my hip bones, but I wanted more. Needed more.

  “No. I want the words.” He leaned down, dragging his tongue across my lower lip. When I tried to get more, he pulled back, no trace of teasing on his face. “I want to know that I have you on the same fucking edge you’ve had me dangling on for weeks now, desperate to know how you feel, taste, sound when you’re coming apart.”

  His words—those sweet, seductive, dirty freaking words turned me up another notch, deepened the pulsing ache I had right where his hips were pressed. How the hell could I keep up with this man?

  “Words give you power over me,” I admitted. I tried to roll my hips again, but he held me pinned, immobile. “You’re already the one in control.”

  He lowered his head, dragging his tongue from the line of my pajama bottoms, past my belly button, through the valley of my breasts and ending at my neck before he kissed me. There was an edge of desperation to his kiss that hadn’t been there before, like he could kiss my compliance from me.

  He damn near di
d. I would have done almost anything to keep him kissing me like that, but it wasn’t enough. My body was on fire, demanding a release I’d denied it for way too long.

  “Control?” he questioned as he pulled away, those blue eyes digging into my soul in a way nothing else could. “Okay, I like being in control, especially when I have you underneath me. But the power is all yours. You just have to realize that I will do whatever you ask, whatever you need. I might control your body, but you control every…part…of…me.” He punctuated each word with a slight thrust against me, the pressure enough to send tendrils of pleasure through my limbs as if he’d caressed my entire body. “Now tell me what you want. I am yours to command.”

  “I want your hands on me,” I answered. Then, before he could ask me where, I showed him, taking one of his hands and sliding it under the waistband of my drawstring pants.

  He groaned, his forehead leaning on mine, his eyes closed tight while his fingers slipped under the pink lace underwear the hotel had brought with my change of clothes for tomorrow.

  His hand stilled, covering me completely for a moment, like he was savoring it. I arched my hips up, and he gave in, his fingers sliding through me. His breath left in a rush against my lips. “Fuck, you’re so wet. I could slide inside you so easily right now.”

  “Then why don’t you?” I challenged him, needing him inside me, a part of me.

  He kissed my mouth softly as his thumb drew a lazy circle around my clit. “Because the first time I’m inside you, it will be because you’re running toward me, to us, not away from something else.”

  I gasped as he lightly stroked me, dragging his thumb at the most sublime pressure. “Paxton,” I begged. I just wished I knew exactly what for.

  He switched his angle and slid one finger within me. “Tight. So damn tight. How long has it been?” he asked, stroking my inner walls.

  “Years,” I answered truthfully.

  “God, I can’t wait to be here.” He stroked me again, sending spirals of fire through every nerve in my body. “You have no idea how good it’s going to be between us.”

  “And you do?” I asked, gasping as he pressed on my clit.